21 Leadership Issues in the Bible by John Maxwell: Top 10 Takeaways

Top 10 Takeaways from 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible by John Maxwell

1. **Leadership is a calling, not a position.**
2. **Leaders must have a strong moral compass.**
3. **Leaders must be able to motivate and inspire others.**
4. **Leaders must be able to build relationships.**
5. **Leaders must be able to make decisions.**
6. **Leaders must be able to manage conflict.**
7. **Leaders must be able to create a vision and inspire others to follow it.**
8. **Leaders must be able to delegate and empower others.**
9. **Leaders must be able to learn and grow.**
10. **Leaders must be able to leave a legacy.**

II. Takeaway 1

The first takeaway from 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible by John Maxwell is that leadership is a relationship. Maxwell argues that leaders are not born, they are made. And the most important thing that leaders need to do is build relationships with their followers.

Maxwell says that there are three key elements to building relationships: trust, respect, and influence. Trust is built over time by consistently being honest and reliable. Respect is earned by demonstrating competence and character. And influence is gained by helping others achieve their goals.

When leaders build strong relationships with their followers, they create a foundation of trust and respect that allows them to lead effectively.

Takeaway 3

Leaders must be able to motivate others.

Maxwell says that there are three key elements to motivation:

  • A clear vision
  • A compelling challenge
  • A sense of urgency

When leaders can create a clear vision for their team, give them a challenge to strive for, and create a sense of urgency, they will be able to motivate their team to achieve great things.

Maxwell also emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement. When leaders praise their team for a job well done, they are motivating them to continue to do great work.

Finally, Maxwell says that leaders must be able to inspire their team. They must be able to show their team that they believe in them and that they are capable of achieving great things.

When leaders can motivate their team, they will be able to achieve great things.

Takeaway 4

Leaders must be able to motivate and inspire others.

John Maxwell says that “the greatest leaders are those who inspire others to become greater than they are.” He believes that leaders should focus on helping others to reach their full potential, and that this is the best way to build a successful team.

There are many ways to motivate and inspire others, but some of the most effective methods include:

  • Setting a clear vision and goal for the team
  • Empowering others to make decisions and take initiative
  • Showing appreciation for others’ work
  • Creating a positive and supportive work environment

When leaders are able to motivate and inspire others, they create a positive cycle of success. As others are motivated, they become more productive and successful, which in turn motivates the leader even more. This cycle can lead to great things for both the team and the organization as a whole.

Takeaway 5

Leaders must be able to motivate others.

Maxwell says that motivation is the “art of getting people to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it, and in the way you want them to do it.”

He believes that there are three key elements to motivation:

  1. A clear goal
  2. A plan for achieving the goal
  3. A reward for achieving the goal

When leaders can effectively motivate their team members, they can achieve great things.

Takeaway 6

Leaders must be willing to sacrifice for the sake of their people.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of this principle. He laid down his life for his people, and he calls us to do the same. When we lead, we must be willing to put the needs of others before our own. We must be willing to sacrifice our time, our energy, and even our lives for the sake of those we lead.

When we are willing to sacrifice for our people, we earn their respect and trust. They know that we are committed to their success, and they are more likely to follow us.

Leaders who are not willing to sacrifice will never be able to achieve true greatness. They will always be held back by their own selfishness.

Takeaway 7: Leaders must be able to delegate

One of the most important things that leaders can do is delegate tasks to others. This frees up their time so that they can focus on the most important things, and it also helps to develop the skills of the people they are delegating to. When delegating tasks, it is important to be clear about what is expected, and to provide the necessary support and resources.

Leaders who are able to delegate effectively are more likely to be successful in their roles. They are able to get more done, and they are able to develop the skills of the people around them.

IX. Takeaway 8

Leaders must be willing to sacrifice for the sake of their team. They must be willing to put the needs of their team above their own needs. They must be willing to work hard and sacrifice their time and energy for the sake of their team’s success.

Takeaway 9

Leaders must be able to motivate others to follow them. They must inspire people to believe in their vision and to work hard to achieve it.

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